Traveling Family Spotlight: Tres Americas

For this Traveling Family Spotlight, I interviewed the Zapp family from theTres Americas blog. They are an Argentinian family of six traveling the world, each child born in a different country. Cande and Herman dreamed of a traveling life since they were children, now they are doing it and have written a book to help others follow their dreams. They have had some amazing adventures! Check out the interview and then read their blog for some beautiful inspiration.
- Were there any defining moments that made you decide to travel or was it something you'd wanted to do for a long time?
Traveling was our childhood dream. We met each other when we were 8 (Cande) and 10 (Herman). We started to date when we were 14 and 16 and since then we always dream to travel someday. After we got married at the age of 23 and 25, what make us to finally start it is that we got married for 6 years and we wanted to have children and we thought “What happen with our dream? It will be impossible to travel with children” so “Let’s go with what we have now, and it wasn’t too much”
- Did you have any fears or hurdles that you had to overcome in order to become a full time traveling family?
The fears are always there and still there. The fears don’t let you see how capable you are. We were having so many fears before we started, so many questions without answers, so it was very difficult to put them on the side to finally start. But we had to do it that 25th of January 2000. If you could see our faces the day we began we looked very pale, white, nervous. But once we were in the car going for our dream we asked to ourselves “Why we hadn't started before. We were definitely ready” And now after so many years on the road, every time we have a problem, we call them challenges. And any challenge that we overcome we grow and they change us for better. Someone, when we started the journey, told us “I don’t wish a journey without problems, I wish the strength enough to overcome them”
-Did you have friends or family who didn't think you could make your dreams come true?
Almost all of them. It was hard because the hardest moment of our dream was to start it and we really needed them at that moment the most to push us to do it. We could understand their thoughts, their worries about leaving everything behind, but for us we weren’t leaving everything behind, we were going for everything! After we passed through some countries, they could realize that we were very happy about it and now they even say "keep going guys."