Mayim Bialik Takes Readers Beyond the Sling with New AP Book

You may remember her as the young cigarette-smoking CC Bloom (Bette Midler) in Beaches and from the 90’s TV hit Blossom, but these days Mayim Bialik is making a name for herself as not only a current-day TV and film actress with a PhD in neuroscience, but also as an Attachment Parenting advocate and author of a book on the same. In fact, she’s been vocal about her family’s AP practices for years, but now she’s taken it to a new level.

Bialik launched a book tour this week for her first book Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way. Suddenly, she and her views are all over the place and I for one couldn’t be happier! She and her husband are full-out attachment parents and the media is having a lot of fun asking her about elimination communication, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, babywearing, unschooling (i.e. child-led learning) and more. I love her frank, open and positive stance about the whole thing, and that she isn’t out to convert the world to AP. She’s just sharing what works for her family, with honesty and a bit of sass. (Also, she talks very fast so she gets a lot of info and opinion in during brief interviews!)
Though many of us know AP and similar natural parenting/gentle parenting style practices are nothing new - are many of them simply the most natural and even ancient ways of caring for children - having this new spotlight on the everyday-ness, the workability of them is great for those that may want to learn more about them and see if they’re right for their family. It’s also nice to have a beloved star debunking some of the myths surrounding this way of raising kids. Hats off to Mayim for getting very public about what are unfortunately controversial parenting topics.
Check out the Beyond the Sling website for some fun info on the book and a very shareable set of “Attachment Parenting Myths Debunked”. You can also follow along with her book tour (her writing is witty, engaging and frank) at Kveller, the Jewish parenting site she blogs for. Bialik is also the spokesperson for Holistic Moms Network and has a few great posts available at TodayMoms. She’s also active on Twitter and Facebook. So basically, you can find her all over the place!

Bialik launched a book tour this week for her first book Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way. Suddenly, she and her views are all over the place and I for one couldn’t be happier! She and her husband are full-out attachment parents and the media is having a lot of fun asking her about elimination communication, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, babywearing, unschooling (i.e. child-led learning) and more. I love her frank, open and positive stance about the whole thing, and that she isn’t out to convert the world to AP. She’s just sharing what works for her family, with honesty and a bit of sass. (Also, she talks very fast so she gets a lot of info and opinion in during brief interviews!)
Though many of us know AP and similar natural parenting/gentle parenting style practices are nothing new - are many of them simply the most natural and even ancient ways of caring for children - having this new spotlight on the everyday-ness, the workability of them is great for those that may want to learn more about them and see if they’re right for their family. It’s also nice to have a beloved star debunking some of the myths surrounding this way of raising kids. Hats off to Mayim for getting very public about what are unfortunately controversial parenting topics.
Check out the Beyond the Sling website for some fun info on the book and a very shareable set of “Attachment Parenting Myths Debunked”. You can also follow along with her book tour (her writing is witty, engaging and frank) at Kveller, the Jewish parenting site she blogs for. Bialik is also the spokesperson for Holistic Moms Network and has a few great posts available at TodayMoms. She’s also active on Twitter and Facebook. So basically, you can find her all over the place!