Families Who Inspire Us, Yours Included

You may start noticing something different in the blog posts that you will be seeing here at Boba Family. Where many of our previous posts focused on babywearing, our company's bread and butter, we are now focusing on something even bigger: Living Your Family's Dreams. As a writer, I am thrilled to have a client who is asking me to write on topics that I hold near and dear, those well rooted and those I continue to discover in my life.
It is so incredibly rare to have a directive come down from the very top of a company (even a small family company like Boba) to forget SEO (search engine optimization) and to write from our hearts and our own interests. Write about traveling, write about families living their dreams in big ways, in small way and in every way in between. Write about finding and enjoying freedom together as a family. Share how other families spend their days, share what works for them and what does not. We are being asked to build community, foster freedom and celebrate family togetherness. Each month we will be featuring families who travel together and live on the road. Even if long-term travel is not a personal dream of yours, get ready to be inspired all the same because these are some tremendous people who have taken their dream of travel and made it a reality through planning, preparation and perhaps the most essential ingredient, a deep gratitude for the opportunities they have created for themselves. These are not necessarily wealthy families, at least in the most common understanding of wealth, but they are disciplined and focused and adaptable. They are courageous self-seekers, they know themselves and their families, and they have put it all toward living their dreams. I have an interview coming up with the Bradley Family, aka The Sattvic Family, and I am feeling incredibly inspired by their courage and devotion to each other. I look forward to sharing our interview with you soon. Until then, I hope you'll join me in taking a good look at the dreams that we have each been dreaming--dust them off if you have put them aside for a while. Come up with just one thing you could do to facilitate that dream. Don't stop when it looks like you have come up against an obstacle too large, have fun and get creative. In fact, get wildly creative! Have an office job? In your dream quit it and develop your existing skills and passions into something that allows you to earn a living from the road. Have a mortgage that you need to pay? Imagine selling your house or renting it out while you live in another country where the cost of living is less, allowing you to pay off debts while you live well. You might be ready to make it all happen tomorrow, but if not, I hope that you will join me in dreaming a little bigger and in asking myself, "What if we just...?"Want to have a family centered life and schedule everything around what matters most?
Do you view life as an adventure and family travel as a unique way to bond and learn about the world?
Do you value staying healthy while enjoying life as a family unit?
(from sattvicfamily.net "about us" page.)