Adventures in Babywearing: Happy Halloween!

"This is me as Pippi Longstocking and my little one as Mr. Nilsson.
My partner (not in photo) was the horse, of course."
Anamarija Pirc
Spooky Zombie Mommy, Jill, and her little ladybug, Sage.

"My son Lucas last year at 13 months old as Yoda,
my husband Kevin as LukeSkywalker, and me as a Jedi!"
Lily Mershon
Sandra Lasandri, the creative force, has a costume for two this Halloween. She is a sushi chef and her little one is completely adorable as ebi sushi.
"This is a photo of my daughter and I last Halloween.
Our whole family did the star wars theme.
Elsa in her Ewok costume was the inspiration."
Carrie Pauly
Halloween babywearing costumes times three
for the Blue Skies Unschooling Group.