We all want to be more available, less distracted, more tuned in to our children. We know it helps them and it helps us. Being present is really at the heart of choosing parenting methods that are considered more "conscious", more "AP", but many of us notice that we can't just apply attachment parenting methods and be done with it. It takes more to be deeply connected and reliably responsive to our children. It takes real presence.
It seems we all have differing levels of ability to be present. Some of us are more heavily resourced than others, financially, physically, emotionally. I know moms who have full-time housekeepers and husbands with high-paid jobs, and still express a sense of failure at not being present enough with their children. I know others who run from day job to night school with no financial support and only the childcare that comes from public school and paid daycare programs. They want to be more present with their children, too, and not just physically. I am a work-at-home expat mother breadwinner, myself, and I am striving to be ever more present with my toddler while keeping house, keeping up with my freelance work, being involved in my community and figuring out how the heck I'm going to handle a second child, and so on. I know I'm not alone.