How Not To Hurt Your Back When Using a Baby Carrier By

Even the most state of the art baby carrier that has incredible weight distribution may not be enough to keep your back from aching.  We need to remember that we need to be proactively focusing...

Recess from Seatwork, Natural Learning in Mathematics

One of the things that fuels my passion for unschooling and my desire to spread the word about this option (what to some is an unheard-of idea), are the memories seared into my brain of...

Mom’s Who Inspire: Holli Zollinger

Here at Boba we often get questions about where our beautiful designs come from, and with the new Boba 3G print collection there is one name that seems to be coming up every few minutes....

Slow Bone Loss During Breastfeeding: Strap on a Baby Carrier!

Calcium is typically transferred from your bones to your breast milk when you nurse.  The good news is that most women do return to normal calcium levels after weaning their babes. Want to make it...

Lipdub de Portabebes Kangura

Last month, Kangura, the Boba distributor in Spain, brought their community together to celebrate babywearing in a very exciting and special way. A “lipdub” is a type of video that combines lip synching and audio...

Breastmilk: No Assembly Required

Nursing can take a little while to get the hang of as a new mom but I can not stress enough how much it pays off. Nursing my first child was hard at first because...

Boston Moms Rock Babywearing Week With Huge Flash Mob

This afternoon, about 50 moms converged on downtown Boston in the biggest babywearing flash mob we've ever seen! In celebration of International Babywearing Week, organized by Boston Babywearers, and sponsored by Boba, these moms wore...

International Babywearing Week Is Here

Well, here we are smack-dab in the middle of International Babywearing Week! Now, we all know that there are an amazing 52 weeks of babywearing fabulousness every year, but when is #babywearing a trending topic...

Breastfeeding in a Carrier: During the Boba Photoshoot

We had to get all of our gorgeous local Boulder moms together for a photo shoot to show you our dazzling and fun new prints.  I chuckled to myself as all three models nursed in...